Safe to drink hard water??
Hmm... I stay in Germany since Sept 2004. Since then I have been drinking hard water. I was also told by my friends that it is not healthy to drink too much hard water or else I will suffer Kidney stone and bla bla bla.
Then I sent a question to Online W. Center :
Is it healthy if I just drink hard water? Is there side effects?
thank you
I got the reply on that day it self!! so quick.
Many people drink hard water their entire lives. Hard water is any watercontaining an appreciable quantity of dissolved minerals. Soft water is treatedwater in which the only cation (positively charged ion) is sodium. The mineralsin water give it a characteristic taste. Some natural mineral waters are highlysought for their flavor and the health benefits they may confer. Hard water isgenerally safe to drink.
The State of Nebraska Agriculture Extension Service states:Hard water is not a health hazard. In fact, the National Research Council(National Academy of Sciences) states that hard drinking water generallycontributes a small amount toward total calcium and magnesium human dietaryneeds. They further state that in some instances, where dissolved calcium andmagnesium are very high, water could be a major contributor of calcium andmagnesium to the diet.
Much research has been done on the relationship between water hardness andcardiovascular disease mortality. Numerous studies suggest a correlation betweenhard water and lower cardiovascular disease mortality. The National ResearchCouncil has recommended further studies on this relationship.
If you have concerns about the water you drink, have it tested. In most areasthere are county extension agencies or local universities that could test yourwater to make sure it is safe.
This information is educational and is not intended to be a substitute forprofessional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care of specific medicalconditions. You should seek prompt professional medical attention if you have aparticular concern about your health or specific symptoms.
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