Friday, April 08, 2005

Start to live and stay HEATLHY!!!


Now is the time for you to live healthily. Why? Well, there are no fixed and certain reasons, it depends on individually, what they need and what they expect in life. Spend 5 minutes to consider why you should stay healthy.

My reason to live healthily
(The arrangement of the following point does not represent the weightage of the reasons)
1) Save $$$ and avoid some unexpected and unwanted expenditure.
2) dont want to let someone worry about me especially my parents and my future family (if I have one :P)
3) trying to avoid some unwelcomed surprises
4) wish not to let any biological, mental, physical und spiritual disabilities to hinder me from doing anything i want.
5) so that I can deliver my jobs with 100% effort with full of effectiveness
5) last but not least, I want to "go away" peacefully, without any pain and without leaving any debt to my family.

I will post some useful and interesting health articles in this blog and feel free to join this
Healthy Health Discussion!!

Let's live and stay healthy
If you do not want to think for yourselves, think of someone whom you care and love.

So, you will join me, won't you?? :D

God bless
p.s. You are welcome to suggest any health article to be post in this blog. If you are frequest suggester, I will add you to be one of the "blogger".


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